CHIC project presented at the 7th World Congress of Biomechanics

July 30, 2014

CHIC coordinator, Research Professor Dr. Georgios Stamatakos from ICCS, and Prof. Marco Viceconti from Sheffield University represented the CHIC Consortium at the 7th World Congress of Bioinformatics, a large-scale multidisciplinary gathering of experts held in Boston. From 6-11 July 2014, the congress brought together engineers and scientists from disciplines such as biology, physics, mathematics, computer science, chemistry and  related clinical specialties. Georgios Stamatakos presented core parts of the CHIC project in a talk centered on “In Silico Oncology: A generic platform for clinically driven and oriented cancer hypermodeling. The Hypermodel Based Oncosimulator”. Marco Viceconti chaired two podium sessions on “Computational Challenges in Multiscale Modelling”.

More information about the congress can be found at